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storage 的中文翻译

音标: [ˈstɔridʒ]


贮藏(量), 贮藏库, 存储

storage 的英文句子和中文句子

Place for permanent or long-term storage of data, from which retrieval is infrequent. A computer archive, for instance, may be on magnetic tape.


A language processor that "collects" modules for loading and assigns their relative positions in storage;in a virtual storage system, a collector attempts to place object code in pages/segments in such a way as to minimize virtual storage interrupts during processing.


A term applied to a storage medium that permits data to be removed, leaving the medium in a condition to receive new data. Magnetic tape, for example, is "erasable" and paper tape is not. The term is also applied to a read-only memory(integrated circuit) that can be reprogrammed by the user.


The technique of repeatedly using the same areas of internal storage during different stages of a program.


A process of dynamic relocation in which contiguous segments are moved to one end of the memory to combine all unused storage at the other end.


A device that reads data from and writes data onto a storage medium, such as a floppy disk.


A procedure causing a system, process, or operation to take on its most desirable configuration or procedures in the best or most efficient way; for example, when arranging instructions and data in storage so that a minimum of machine time or space is used for storing or accessing them.


His furniture is in storage while he finds a new house.


In the execution of a computer program, to load a segment of the computer program in a storage area hitherto occupied by parts of the computer program that are not currently needed.


A larger computer storage area, usually used for virtual storage addressing.
