亿 的英文翻译
a hundred million
亿 的中文句子和英文句子
The Board of Education accounts for about a fourth of the city's budget. For1989, Mr.Koch proposed to spend$123 million on new and expanded programs, bringing the board's total budget to$6.3 billion.
The cardinal number equal to109.
As a rule of thumb, a one-cent-a-gallon gasoline tax raises$1 billion. Oil producers in President-elect Bush's adopted state of Texas, however, would rather see a tax on imported crude oil.
The human brain contains several billion nerve cells, which are connected with one another by fine nerves.
Robert Hood, president of McDonnell Douglas's Douglas Aircraft Co., told reporters today that his company would soon reach an agreement with the Taiwan Aerospace Corp. about the equity sale of$2 billion. The Taiwan company confirmed last week that the deal was in the works.
It took them more than one billion dollars to complete the project.